
Faculty Interview – Ekta

In this edition, Mala candidly interviews Ekta to sum up 7 years at Kosmic Fusion. Ekta is one of the very few Faculties that have grown immensely on Personal, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual levels. Ekta has an inspiring story, in 2012 she was a single mother living in alien country, surviving on government dole; she…


Faculty Interview – Jeeya

Jeeya has come a long way since coming across Sree Maa and Shri Ji at a holistic festival in Singapore. In her own testimonial, Jeeya has shared numerous times that Sree Maa worked like a catalyst through a very difficult period in life.   In her words Jeeya says… “Sree Maa was like powerhouse of…

Spiritual Narcissism - The growing epidemic

Spiritual Narcissism | The growing epidemic

Spiritual Narcissism | The growing epidemic Spiritual Circles and Narcissists Acting Spiritual is very easy to fake and many in the spiritual & religious circles are naive and gullible. Such people are particularly vulnerable to the narcissist’s manipulation and deception. Over the time Spiritual circles have become prime hunting ground for narcissists, with little real…

Fulfilling our true purpose – in a world which rewards darkness | Kosmic Fusion | Sree Maa Shri Ji

Fulfilling our true purpose – in a world which rewards darkness

Finding and fulfilling your True purpose in life can be a very difficult task, particularly as it often feels as though the modern world rewards those who do not pursue such high-minded topics, but instead take a lower road and allow themselves to be influenced by more unclear, and often darker motivations.   Spiritual values…


Know All about The Bhakti Meditation

Yoga has always been associated with meditation, but it actually comes in different types, each one offering different kinds of experiences and levels of achieving spiritual awakening. Bhakti meditation is one of the notable methods known as the ‘yoga of devotion’ that allows you to behold the Divine. The name is Sanskrit coming from a…


All you need to know about Spiritual Workshops

A spiritual awakening can be a good means to become more self-aware and achieve inner peace. You can attain this by being part of one of the spiritual workshops that are focused on it. These are offered by established groups advocating a thriving worldwide movement that seeks to change the world for the better with…


Know all about Spiritual Transformation

Life is cyclical. Humans, for instance, go through multiple cycles, the first of which is conception, and the last being death. Death, however, doesn’t signify the end but is a start of a brand-new cycle that enables transformation into a being’s full potential. Even the physical body goes through a cyclical process of transformation. It…


How to gain Spiritual Awakening through Meditation?

More and more people around the world, every day, are going through spiritual awakenings as they seek for more meaning out of life than tolerating work, endless material accumulation, nightly binge watching, and a pursuit of the ever-elusive fulfillment. People who are beginning to have spiritual awakenings are getting inner transformations leading them to higher…

Art of Developing Humility and learning to Surrender

Art of Developing Humility and learning to Surrender

An integral part of any journey towards spiritual growth is developing the humility required to surrender. But how can we truly reach the state of not only embracing our own humility, but learning how and when to surrender to a higher power?   Understand you have a choice Developing a sense of humility is a…

Love, Peace,Money & the Art of making skillful choices | Kosmic Fusion

Love, Peace, Money & the Art of making skillful choices Spiritually

Currency of Love & Peace Money is objective, purchasing an object or a service and swapping it for an agreed price is what makes the world go round isn’t it?! This agreed price is then taken from your slice of the world’s currency.   But what if currency wasn’t objective, what if currency was subjective…
